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PARTEC 2019征文通知

发布时间:2018年2月5日 来源:中国颗粒学会秘书处

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

From 9 to 11 April 2019 one of the largest international congresses on particle technology will be held at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre – organized by NürnbergMesse. The PARTEC 2019 motto is “Particles for a better Life”.

Get involved and seize the opportunity to present your scientific work and research results, your applications and technical developments to international scientists and experts. Submit your abstracts by 30th April 2018 at www.partec.info/en/participation/submission.

Present your work and discuss it on an international level.

We are looking forward to your contribution on the following key themes:

· (Nano)-Structured Materials

· Interface Controlled Processes

· Applications of Particle Technology

· Particles and Energy

· Modelling and Simulation

· Life & Food Science

· Particles in Contact and Processing

· Particles from Renewable Materials

· Pharmaceutical Particles

You will find registration forms and other information on www.partec.info.